From Streets to Homes Association
Pilot in Budapest
The pilot project run by ULE focuses on a special segment of the homeless population of Budapest: those living in huts on their own. They have no possibilities to acquire legal housing, which is a general problem of the homeless provision system of Budapest, with few and often only temporary solutions that lead the way out of homelessness. ULE, in the framework of HomeLab provides housing for 20 households, and helps them maintain it through very thorough social work and labour market training. The households always consist of two persons – they are couples, who have lived together prior to moving into their new apartment.
For more information click on the link below:
Habitat for Humanity Poland
Polish Pilot
The HomeLab project in Poland follows work previously done by Habitat Poland on the possibilities of introducing the Social Rental Enterprise (Społeczna Agencja Najmu i Zatrudnienia) and providing in parallel housing and employment services to clients in need. The pilot is in Warsaw and its main goal is to support the integration of services for individuals and families at risk of poverty and social exclusion. More precisely the target group includes homeless persons, foreign migrants, persons with substance abuse problems or families escaping domestic violence. All households are recruited through partner organisations of Habitat Poland (Caritas of Warsaw, The Open Door Association, Association for Legal Intervention, Salvation Army Social Welfare Centre for the Wola District, Monar Association in Wyszków and „Spoza” Society) and will receive support related to housing, employment and social integration – delivered by Habitat Poland in partnership with these organizations. The housing is secured both through the private rental market and through an agreement with the City of Warsaw.
For more information on the pilot click on the link below:
Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta
Pilot in Veszprém
The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM) provides complex services in the fields of employment, housing and social support in the framework of the HomeLab project in the town of Veszprém. The town lies very close to important touristic centres and generally suffers a lack of labour shortage, which in turn influences greatly its housing market. Prices are very high, comparable The pilot is the largest one of HomeLab, involving 75 households, and focusing on different types of vulnerable groups including tenants of the municipal apartments of Veszprém, tenants accumulating arrears, homeless people, people moving into Veszprem in search of job opportunities and finallyleaving detention facilites, people having lost the ownership of their apartments as a result of the financial and economic crisis.
For more information on the pilot click on the link below:
People in Need
Slovak Pilot
Under HomeLab, PIN apply the Social Rental Enterprise model, operating in three microregions in Slovakia, combining first and foremost labour and housing activities, by providing additional social work. PIN is already running community centres in five microregions, and the pilot will operate in three of those. The HomeLab intervenes by three different approaches in each locality considering housing: access to private rental together with job counselling, self-help constructions and job counselling and assistance with legalisation of existing houses with job counselling.
For more information on the pilot click on the link below:
Czech Pilot
The pilot project is realized in three regions of the Czech Republic – Moravian Silesian Region, Olomouc Region and Pardubice Region, where it will support at least 45 households in total. The aim is to improve housing and job situation of socially excluded persons. The pilot is based on the concept of help to move the households living in unfavourable housing (legal/illegal hostels, shelters, poor quality housing etc.) to standard housing for affordable price and to help them manage their financial situation by getting employment or other type of legal job.
For more information on the pilot click on the link below: