The pilot project run by ULE focuses on a special segment of the homeless population of Budapest: those living in huts on their own. They have no possibilities to acquire legal housing, which is a general problem of the homeless provision system of Budapest, with few and often only temporary solutions that lead the way out of homelessness. ULE, in the framework of HomeLab provides housing for 20 households, and helps them maintain it through very thorough social work and labour market training. The households always consist of two persons – they are couples, who have lived together prior to moving into their new apartment.
Housing Provision
Photo: Anna Vörös
There are three main sources for the housing provided: the most important part comes from the district municipalities 10 and 19 of Budapest – thus these are municipal rentals, where ULE connects the parties. Three are acquired through private support and finally a small portion of the housing is provided by mobile homes. The latter is a novel experience, and has been facilitated by the acquisition of land through a private donor. The housing provision is complemented both with intensive social work and employment service.
Social Work
Photo: Anna Vörös
Each client has a personal case manager: the social worker supports the client in stabilizing their life after moving into the apartment. The case manager helps in various field: household management, application for benefits, access to health services and crises management. They meet on a weekly bases and the case manager is reachable at phone as well. The work of the case manager is aims not only to help clients to reach a better quality of life but to empower them by overcoming the effects of homelessness.
Photo: Anna Vörös
The employment service is basically a labour market training for the beneficiaries and consists of weekly group consultations and group work for the clients. Furthermore, a new website has been launched that connects the clients with possible – typically temporary – employment opportunities. This is viewed as providing a stepping stone, an essential experience that enables them to proceed and enter the labour market . Better employment situation will also secure their housing with a more stable income.
Participating in the Homelab project helps ULE to solidify its position and to expand its portfolio of housing and social services.